How To Get Free Traffic To Your Blog : (7 Proven Strategies)

free traffic

What will you do after creating a blog? Ask any blogger, the answer would be to work on the traffic. Why? It is a waste of having a blog if you don’t get traffic. When your site doesn’t drive traffic, that means you can’t earn money. Everything is interlinked. For getting the traffic, you should create a great content. It is the content that brings people to your blog. Did you get stuck in getting a blog post idea? Then, read our guide to the blog post ideas.

We assume you have just launched your blog. You might have invested on the domain and hosting. At this stage, it will be difficult for you to invest again on the traffic. We will let you know how to get free traffic to your new blog.

How To Get The Free Traffic To Your Blog?

We have come with these 7 ways for getting the free traffic :

1. SEO

You might have heard this word from many. If not, then let us tell you, what exactly SEO is. Before going into the details, let us tell you the full form. It is Search engine optimization. What does it do? It involves ranking your homepage and blog posts in the search engines. Here ranking means getting your blog on the first page. Some of you may disagree on this statement. But, it is a fact. Do you know that 98% of the people don’t go to the second page? This is the reason why your blog should be ranked on page one.

How can someone make their blog or posts on the first page? The SEO is a keywords game. When you need something on the Google, what will you do? You type the keywords in the search box, right. These are crucial in the ranking. One needs to do both on-page and off-page optimization.


The on-page optimization mainly includes :

  • User friendly URLs : Use the proper navigation in your blog. The visitors should easily move from one page to other.
  • Right URL structures : Make sure the URL link contain keywords. The structure should be well formed for both humans and search engines.

Look at our post link We had used the keywords that can be appealing for visitors and Google.

  • Focus keywords : The keywords that you target for the ranking in the search engine.
  • Meta description : The meta description describes your page. See what we have summarized.

meta description

  • Text formatting : The font size, color, bold, italic and underlining comes under the text formatting.
  • Using H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 tags : The search engines will know about the webpages through the HTML headings. One should not ignore these tags.
  • Images & videos : Using relevant images and videos will boost up the rankings.
  • Alt tags for images : One should use alt tags for the images.
  • keywords in the titles and content : Using the right keywords in the titles and content help in the ranking. Know how to create catchy titles to increase your blog traffic.
  • Keyword density : Make sure to maintain decent density. At the same time over using can attract the penalty.
  • 404 pages : As you know, the 404 error comes when the page is not found. Create the attractive 404 error pages for both visitors and search engines.
  • Internal and external links : Make sure there are no broken links.
  • AMP pages : These days there is a gradual increase in the mobile traffic. The AMP pages are useful for the mobile visitors.
  • Page speed : The Google has mentioned that the page speed is one of the ranking factor. Make sure your blog load faster.

The off-page optimization mainly comprises :

  • Link building (Guest posting, Bookmarking, Blog commenting, Forum posting)
  • Brand mentions (The mentioning of your blog without the hyperlink)
  • Social media marketing (The promotion of the products or services on the social media)

Some of these strategies may not work for all. But, maintaining the quality in the content helps you in the ranking.

This article by Neil patel on the off-page SEO is quite informative. As long as you do optimization in a fair way, you will get the substantial free traffic to your blog.

The influencer marketing is a trend now. Many beauty and fitness companies are offering free products to the influencers. The influencer will review the products and share with their followers. The followers will visit the company site. In this way they are increasing their traffic and revenue.

2. Social Media

Who doesn’t know about the social media? It is more than a profile now. Do you know how many people are on the social media? We have come up with a list of most used platforms and their user base.

Have a look :

  • Facebook – +2.41 billion
  • Twitter – +330 million
  • Instagram – +1 billion
  • LinkedIn – +610 million
  • Pinterest – +300 million

Look at the potentiality. These networks do not charge a single dime. You can drive traffic to your blog for free.

social media marketing

Since you are in a beginning stage, it is important to create official pages. What does it mean? It means, all your pages should have your blog name. What next? You should invite all your friends to like or join your page. When you share your blog post, they will see it on their feed or timeline. The more engaging content you create, the more chances to get the people’s attention. Please be choosy while inviting people. It would be a waste if you invite the random people. Target the right people who are really interested in your niche.

You might ask us what could you do when the name is unavailable. Say for example, your blog’s name is xyz. You need to setup a page on the FB with the same name. You search for it and it is unavailable. What will you do then? The Facebook doesn’t allow the name as This is a strange situation then. Go to this page and try to claim it. Even in Twitter, you can claim it by reporting.

Keep consistency in posting on the social media. It keeps your followers engaging. Use hashtags wherever necessary.

Do you know many big companies are get benefited from the social media? They are running campaigns. Of course, it needs budget. You can market your products and services for free. No network would object it, if your service or product is legit.

Tip : Create groups on the LinkedIn and Facebook. Find like-minded people and invite or add them. keep posting informative posts. Make sure the conversations are interesting and fruitful. Don’t share your posts blindly. You need to win the people’s trust. Talk with them. If they reach you for any help, then don’t ignore them.

This guide may help you in understanding the social media marketing.

3. YouTube

The YouTube is one of the best medium to get free traffic to your blog. Say for example you have a blog. Now create a channel in the YouTube with your blog’s name. If you are an introvert, then create slides. The content should be the same as your blog.


Upload the video whenever you publish a blog post. Put the YouTube link in your blog and vice versa. In the same way, put the YouTube channel link in your social profiles. While creating a video, please put tags and write engaging description. You can compare it with the blog post. Use keywords in the tags and description. It helps in ranking your videos. Share the videos on all platforms including the WhatsApp.

There are thousands of bloggers who are driving tons of free traffic from the YouTube. The YouTube is same as the blog. You must create engaging title, content and description. However you need to pull the traffic from the subscribers. When people find your videos useful, they will come to your blog for sure. This way you can drive traffic to your blog.

Do you know they are earning money from both blog and channel? Learn how to earn money from the YouTube.

4. Guest Blogging (Posting)

Have you heard about the guest blogging? If you haven’t, then it is a part of the off-page SEO. Say for example, your blog’s niche is health. Then you need to search for high authority blogs in the health niche. Once you prepare the list, send mails to the owners requesting for the guest posts. When they agree to their proposal, write informative content for them. You can include your blog link in the content.

guest blogging

There are 2 advantages of the guest blogging :

  1. The bloggers can get free traffic to your blog.
  2. Your blog gets the free backlink.

Remember one thing. You should have excellent knowledge and writing skills. One should send the links of your previous articles while offering a guest post.

We recommend this guide to the guest blogging written by the Brian Dean.

5. Email Marketing (Free)

email marketing

You should try to build a list. When you content is great, the people will subscribe to your blog. They will get notified, whenever you publish a new blog post. Make your content purposeful, so that everyone will share it. Do you think that the email marketing is a costly affair? No, it is free. We have come up with a 7 free email marketing tools. Use them and get free traffic to your blog.

Offer a free E-book or a product for subscribing your blog. You can also run contests and offer rewards to your subscribers.

6. Blog Commenting

Identify the best authority blogs in your niche. Try to comment on the blog posts. Instead of commenting on the random posts, be choosy. Do not comment for the sake of getting a backlink. Be sincere and have a real talk. Please do not spam. When the blogger and other visitors find your comment interesting, then they will surely visit your blog. In this way, you get the traffic to your blog for free.

blog commenting

Many people will tell you to comment on do-follow blogs. That means your blog will get link juice from do-follow blogs. You can comment on both do-follow and no-follow blogs. The no-follow blogs will get you traffic.

Learn how to use the follow and no-follow links.

Drawback : If a blogger do not allow you to give your website link while commenting, then you will not get traffic.

7. Forums :

Join as many forums you can. Try to participate in the discussions. Give your blog address in the signature. Our favorite forum is Beermoneyforum. Give them a try for making money online. We love their reviews. You can also join other forums like Digitalpoint, Warrior forum, etc. They are free.


The Quora is a great place for getting traffic. However, the primary motive should be to help others. When people love your answers, they will visit your blog. Please do not spam your blog posts there. You should help them genuinely. Follow us on the Quora.

What Are The Final Words?

These are the strategies to get traffic to your blog. One must concentrate on the content first. Write high quality content and follow these strategies to get free traffic to your blog. Do you have any ideas? Then, please share them with us. Did you love our article? If yes, then share with your friends.

Way2blogger is a one-stop guide for beginners or new bloggers to learn blogging. We cover WordPress, Blogspot, tutorials, themes, plugins and templates.

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